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Old 02-20-2013, 01:56 AM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Cary NC
Posts: 4
rcs666 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by rcs666 View Post
Its turning over, but not firing. Could it be flooded?
Originally Posted by btwilson86 View Post
Oil on the spark plugs is fairly common with the MKIII's, you can check out the threads in the FAQ on how to diagnose/fix that. I would be concerned about the possibility of coolant on top of the plugs (although that could just be from a leaking hose, like the 2 that run to/from the throttle body).

In short, there's not enough info here to determine why your car isn't running. Are there any CEL (Check Engine Light) codes stored? How does your wiring look? Are there broken wires/connectors, anything unplugged, anything loose?

When you say it won't start, do you mean the starter doesn't spin? Or does the engine turn over but not fire? Or does the engine turn over, sputters, but doesn't run on it's own?
The check engine light is on, cant get the codes checked because it wont start now. Ive double checked all the wiring and hoses, and everything appears fine.
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