Some solid engine mounts would help with the movement a good bit, it'd save ya time on having to make a lot of bracing that bad brakes are important, or I'd just say delete that shit! Its a good thing you don't have to make a whole new shaft that stuffs big $$ and annoying. Looking forward to seeing the pic's man, I'll just have to remember to quit being lazy and keep better tabs on the forums.
I've done next to nothing really on my supra, got 2 used cold start injectors from a member and installed one about a week ago but haven't got around to starting the old girl up yet because the batteries pooched again. Oh and I got 2 new tires for the front, just need to finish up paint on my one rim so I can move on to the miserable 20 hours of hand sanding the next.

Been working to much on the talon lately trying to get it straight and back on all 4's. My deal on a hatch fell through so I'm back to square one with that again as well. But good new is my buddy's shop is almost done, they'll be installing the new car lift soon right away so maybe I can coy my way into making them let me use it.