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Old 04-08-2013, 02:18 AM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Phoenix, Az
Posts: 5
bitsoknittles is on a distinguished road

checked the resistor pack and its ok. Found and cleaned one VSV for the egr and set the throttle position sensor as it says in the book, but the car is still idling high (900 rpms). If the throttle body or plate were to be stuck open due to carbon (haven't cleaned it yet) could that be the reason I can't get the car to idle at 750 to 800 rpms and have vacuum at the R and P ports on the throttle body (when there should be no vacuum unless at other than idle)? By cleaning them, should I be able to get the car to idle properly? Also, how do I fix the code 52 for the knock sensor? replace the wire; replace the knock sensor, etc?Thanks for the info!
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