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Old 06-05-2013, 03:08 AM   #4
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Jacksonville Fl.
Posts: 7
Thunderbunny52 is on a distinguished road
Cool Faulty alrm system

I have an 86 with the same problem, car starts when it wants to. Most of the time ,I unlock the rear hatch with the key and the car will crank. I installed a toggle switch to engage the starter , when this crap happens. The circuit opening relay has six pins. The bottom row from left to right, you can splice into these and put a single position toggle switch. These are terminals 2#3. The white wire with black stripe, and black wire with red stripe are what you are looking for. They are located behind the drivers side kick panel. This is a tempory solution untill i can find out how to disable this bullshit alarm. Good luck. PS: The key has to be in the on position when you try this. When engine starts flip off the toggle switch. Never be stranded again.
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