Need Help!! 1985 supra wont start!! Newbie
I was driving on the freeway and as I was exiting I felt a loss of power I came to the light and it died. It smells like fuel is getting there I do have spark but it does seem intermitent my friend got a nice jolt from the ignitor and I did see spark coming from the plug I tested depending on the plug i put in sometimes the spark was orange/yellow then on another plug it was white/blue. I even sprayed starting fluid down the intake and nothing happend no combustion I left it overnight and when I tried to start it on the initial crank. it seemed like there was combustion. but then nothing after that. I took off the timing cover and everything looks good. I dont think it jumped a tooth from my limited experience with this car. I bout it for $200 and she said its never left her stranded. Until now. Just my luck. so I got to get this thing running today otherwise its gonna get towed. I dont know how to check for codes and I'm on a no to limited budget. I did check the fuses on the drivers side kick panel and the engine compartment. It should have fired when i sprayed the starting fluid and it was far enough in the intake to atleast fire if it was capable of doing so. I have gas in it as well.. thanks and I did read the other posts on the no starts. Also since I bought the car it hasnt seemed to be as responsive as it should be. in the mornings it would fire up and I could floor the pedal and it would rev in RPM's and it just seems real sluggish I advanced the timing to the maximum and it was running better.. any ideas thanks!!! its a non turbo 1985 supra....