Spam just gets deleted. Assholes with a post count of SIX who think I contribute less then they do and can't keep from talking crap get banned. See the difference? I've given away THOUSANDS of hours working to keep these cars on the road (both online and under the hood) and I haven't owned one in years. While we're at it, please resize the photos in your signature, we have a show and tell section for that.
Now, check the attitude at the door when you sign in next or just move along.
Mr. Spam-bot D. Head
If something breaks or you need to contact a member of the administration please post HERE. Unless it's a private or administration matter please post it on the forum. It benefits no one else if car related questions aren't posted for future users and takes away from the time I'm able to spend helping on the rest of the forum.
If you're so inclined I'm always more than happy to accept tips via PayPal.
Tip Jar --->