It's something of a gamble. There are a few reasons why it could go bad: uneven torque and cracking jacket rings being the main concern. But it all really boils down to the fact that if you do torque it down further and it blows you'll never know whether it was trying to increase the torque or if it was just on its way out anyway. The majority of 7Ms made it past 100K miles before the HG went South... You've probably got a little time to sleep on it. Personally, if you aren't presently equipped to do the full job and replace the HG, I'd leave it alone and work on getting to the point where you'll just be able to do the whole thing. If you have the means to do the whole job but just not the motivation, well, go ahead and have at it... Worst case you just get forced into doing the job sooner than you'd like.
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