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Old 10-16-2013, 05:26 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by cre View Post
Well first off, in my book, replacing broken or worn parts does not constitute "investment". It's called "cost of ownership". There isn't 10K worth of upgrades in that car by a long shot. Of course that's not to say they aren't worth keeping in mind as every little bit will save you money down the road and those are a lot of common problem areas on old cars.

N/As and GTEs use the same head. N/A cams are NOT an upgrade. The intake cams are the same on both engines and the N/A's exhaust cam has slightly different timing and LESS lift. It's been proven to actually lose power at higher RPM while providing very little in lower RPM torque gains. The swap was an old myth and needs to die. You'll be better off with the stock exhaust cam and an adjustable timing gear.

I like that he thought ahead and added an oil scraper. Was the oil pump replaced? Water pump?

I think the car may well be worth the asking price as long as the chassis is straight and clean. I wouldn't pay any more though. Have you got any photos?
@ cre I agree with you on the maintenance/upkeep comments. If you want to keep the car running those would be things you have to do. Yes, the oil & water pumps were replaced.

When the seller and I spoke on the phone he told me about his experience and background in building/working on muscle/import vehicles. From the sounds of it he seems pretty legit.

I'll get some pictures posted asap, thanks for your time.
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