Thread: supra problem
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Old 03-09-2014, 03:45 AM   #8
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Assuming that the ignition timing and valve timing of are correct (double check), you might want to test the throttle position sensor. I have had several of that looked like they were working until you took them off of the throttle body and they were sticky. That means it didn't return to closed idle position even though the throttle plate did. If the throttle position sensor is removed you will need a Ohm meter and feeler gauges to set it up properly again. You can check the dash pot function at that time also using a needle nose plairs to carerully pinch the little hose. It acts as a cushion so that the throttle plate doesn't slap closed hard and wear it out (its in the manual). Another issue might be the wiring harness coming from the air flow meter. I forgot to plug it in and it would not idle but would run rough if I gave it some gas with my foot. A bad air flow meter acts the same way. The spark plug wires need to go into correct coils. Firing order from left to right is: 1,6,3,4,2,5 check that if you have moved them. Unplug the EFI fuse and wear some rubber gloves and pull one of at a time at the coil with a grounded wire close for the spark to jump to. Have some one crank and see if you have spark from every coil. There are 3 plugs on the coil pack harness. One could be loose or bad or a bad coil. Check the continuity of the coils as described in the manual if necessary. (Make sure there is low resistance between the two connectors and that there is infinite resistance between each terminal and ground.

Last edited by Bru; 03-09-2014 at 04:05 AM.
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