Other than when warming up and at idle the ignition will almost always be advanced to one degree or another. If knock is detect no code is presented. The code is only presented if the ECU feels the sensor is damaged or providing erratic information (see: damaged).
A grounded OX signal isn't going to cause a severe shift in fueling. After a brief period the ECU would determine the signal to be faulty and go into open loop operation and ignore the sensor altogether.
The fuel pressure not increasing without vacuum indicates a bad FPR, vacuum leak or restriction from the couple times I've dealt with it. Try putting a vacuum pump on it and check the fuel pressure.
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If you're so inclined I'm always more than happy to accept tips via PayPal.
Tip Jar ---> 
Last edited by cre; 03-23-2014 at 03:34 PM.
Reason: typo