-Short story i need the Air sensor (body and sensor) for my car and do not know which one to get because of the many Lexus version that work on the car as well as a turbo "outlet" which hooks into the intercooler (air sensor Part# would help more)
-I am rebuilding an 88 Supra 7Mgte which is in more or less good condition (apart from the engine) in which case the engine was "rebuilt" and just not finished, signs from the car indicate it has sat for 5-10 years after being rebuilt (brand new spark plugs with rust on top of the plugs, and license tag date was 2004). Trying to start the car and was able to turnover (as in the starter turned the engine) not crank and my problems now lie are the air sensor, throttle sensor, possible missed vacuum lines and old/bad fuel
album here of the in sad condition supra
EDIT: just got the 22250-50010 housing and the 22204-42011 sensor if that is the correct setup