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Old 09-15-2014, 01:33 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: fort myers fl
Posts: 6
lwhit280 is on a distinguished road

no car is not overheating,temp guage anyway stays in the normal range what i was getting at is i think my wiring or my ecu is getting hot and shutting me down or something else very little i havent replaced my wiring at cam position sensor rewired about 6 inches. Is there anything else that could be the problem? if it is my wiring that is bad like the cps can i not rewire just the critical wires afew feet and be ok would buy a complete harness but they want about 1200 bucks for that might as well buy another supra the article about the guy that had leaky capacitors and fix them and cleared all his problems wish that was the case here 238 dollars to have it checked. I cant this car to anymore mechanics all they do is charge and wont let u into their shop come back in a few hrs or next day they havent done anything but suggest u buy a new wiring harness for 3000 bucks or hey will do new piping on your car for 1800 turns out most these guys dont even have an ob1 code reader. U guys no more about these cars than toyota mechanics i have used. checked my piping with a boost tester didnt see anything bad did replace the plastic elbow that goes into the right fender but codes remained the same. please give me ur best thoughts. thanks
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