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Old 10-24-2005, 06:02 AM   #6
1000whp postwhore
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Since the fine is $10,000, and a license probation, it's pretty hard to find someone you don't already know to do an illegal for you.

I see many, many engines come thru the shop that have no sticker to tell us what it is. I doubt the technician would know the difference, as long as everything looked good, and in its proper place.

Make sure its running great, new gas cap, etc. You can always have a 'pre-test' done first. Pre-tests are not official, and are not held against you if it does not pass. If the tech says, "hey, looks like you'll pass", then go ahead and run the real test, cause he's been fooled with engine swap.

And...Maybe you can make a sticker by getting a picture of one off the internet, then printing it on a piece of aluminum, then glue it on the timing cover.

Last edited by mrnickleye; 10-24-2005 at 06:13 AM.
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