Hi to everyone.
I am hoping that this problem has come up before for some of you. I have a Mk3 Supra that has a slight random missfire when you slowly pick the engine revs up from idle to about 3000. It has no pattern and cannot be traced to any particular cylinder (as far as I can tell). I get a few seconds without a miss then two very close then a gap etc.
Performance is fine and there is no overheating, water in oil etc and I know the CHG is good as I did it myself about 200Km ago.
I dont think it is the plugs as they are still good when inspected and have only done about 30,000. The air filter is clear and the throttle housing is clean. I have cleared all the vacuum pipes etc. I have visually checked all the connectors and the wires going to them for breaks etc.
This close to Christmas I am hoping for a low cost problem - hehe
Thanks and all the best wishes to you all.