Thread: Blown engine...
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Old 11-14-2005, 04:05 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 14
Jazzsaxsupra is on a distinguished road
Default Blown engine...

ahhhh.... my engine in my 1986.5 Supra Mk3 is officially dead... I was doing 65 in 5th, the engine started to rattle, then white smoke and no more power. Compression tests show no compression, and I don't have the money to have the engine rebuilt... so I'm going to get a used one and drop it in. Lots of people are telling me that I should just get another car, and I tell them that they just haven't ever owned a Supra, so they can't appreciate it... but I'm going to put switch out the engine myself, it's my first major job by myself, so wish me luck! any tips or suggestions that might help me? thanks!
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