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Old 11-17-2005, 09:25 AM   #23
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 9
RyDeFly is on a distinguished road

I'm looking to buy a supra as well and I live in Denver suburbia...

I NEVER drive up to the mountains, always on salted/sanded roads. I used to drive an old Mitsu. Mighty max, RWD, manual, with a rear end light as a feather and leaf springs bouncy as hell... and I made it all right through some snow storms. (Admittedly, I did use sandbags in the bag.)

But you guys are scaring me; from the posts I've read it seems like the supra might go spinning off helplessly the second I undo the parking brake...
Do you guys live in places where it doesn't snow often or just bad drivers? If it really is that incredibly bad, (remember my truck as a comparison) I might have to not buy it, but tell me otherwise!
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