Thread: RB26 Motor Swap
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Old 11-22-2005, 05:00 AM   #2
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 17
rays87turbo is on a distinguished road

Yes. Anything is possible with enough time and $$$. You would have to swap all that you mentioned, plus fabricate custom motor mounts, fabricate anything that did not fit in the engine bay right. Custom driveshaft would be needed. You might also have to cut into the firewall/transmission well to make it all fit. You would most likely have to cut into the body to get the right placement on the shifter. You would also need a very advanced understanding of fuel injection systems, and electrical wiring, as that engine is not designed to fit in a LHD car let alone in a Toyota.

In short this is not possible without some serious knowlege and resources.
Sorry, but its probably not possible for someone who has to ask this question.
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