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Old 12-01-2005, 09:52 AM   #11
Join Date: Nov 2005
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RogerH is on a distinguished road
Smile Heater control panel

I took the heater control panel from my 90turbo and put it my wifes 87NA and the everything works OK. I don't think the panel changed during the Mk3 production. I've bought a panel for ?25 from a scrapyard but haven't fitted it into mine yet. I took the broken control panel apart all looked OK the slide contol seemed to be a sealed unit but I'll try taking it apart for cleaning.
The resistor for the heater lies in the air duct on the bulkhead at high level in the passenger foot well. The smallest coil that contols the first setting of the fan breaks or falls apart. It can be repaired as described in the other replies - life is too short - I bought a new one!
Another problem I had before was the fan not working at all. I took it out and found the motor full off dust and dirt it seems to find its way in through a black tube which I think is for cooling. I cleaned the motor up and put a piece of linen over the end of the black tube to act as a filter - its been OK since.

Last edited by RogerH; 01-18-2006 at 05:16 PM.
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