Maybe I wasn't clear enough, sorry. I'm not putting the auto tranny in the car, I'm using the 5-speed tranny that came in it so the tranny mounting, clutch, console, etc, are all intact. I'm just putting the motor, harness & ECU in it. This car is nothing special, I'm just taking two cars I got cheap to build one good car with the combined parts. I'm not going to look for and buy a turbo motor when I have a great running n/a motor in a banged up body that I can drop right in. I was asking what to expect when I use the ECU from an auto tranny car with a 5-speed, I knew there would be some differences. Also, I wondered if there are any differences in the motor from 86.5 to 88 that I should be aware of when I put it in this newer body. To take it further, I believe the 88 car has the ride-control mechanisms, does anyone know if there are provisions in the ECU for using this if the donor car did not have this feature?
Thanks for your input.