Thread: ct 26 problems
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Old 12-05-2005, 02:04 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 20
whitemk3 is on a distinguished road
Question ct 26 problems

i got a upgraded ct26 and when i spin it with my finger its very tight the turbo is pretty new. i bought it with an engine that had a blown rod. found lots of shavings in the oil pan. so im guessing it got into the oil line then into the turbo and scrued the bearing up. but i took it apart and noticed that when i loosing the nut on the compresser turbine it spins freely. i mean only hand tight that its spins freely but when i tighten it its almost impossible to spin. i clean the hell out of it but it still did it and i was told that since the car was sitting for a while that it needs oil to spin freely but thats hard to belive. so can someone please help cause a new one is preaty expensive unless i can fix or rebuild it thank and someone please help.
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