Stock wheels on 91 are the same on Supra 93? I don't like them, not a lot.
Some fu***** old man on a VOLKSWAGEN TUAREG was going reverse, I sounded the horn, and he stopped. I kinda thought he'd try again, so I look back, but someone is behind me, so I can't do reverse myself. The old man does reverese again, and HITS ME! F******************************CK!
All he damaged was like 5 inches of paint in the front NOSE (not the bumper, not the hood, you Supra people must know what the nose is)... JESUS!! And this old guy was in the mood of arguinig! WTF?? Dude, you ride a 100k car, and I'm in a 2,700 car... WTF? Pay for what you've done! He agreed to do that. We could also go to the insurance, but he'd be ending up paying more. Luckily all my papers are up to date. JESUS! This sucks so bad. I'm gonna try to rip the guy off... I'm gonna quote the paint in a shop, get the money from him, but I wont paint the nose... I want the 89 front... so I'll order the bumper/grill/turn lights/nose and help myself pay for that with his money =P ... Jesus, what a headache this has given me! ARGHRKJHB!@KJHGO*&!T PEOPLE STINK!
I have the worst of luck. With my 300ZX, some dumb kid hit the front of it, and when he gets off his Golf, he says "my cell phone fell in the passenger carpet, so I bent over to get it, and wasn't looking while driving, so I hit your car"... Dude, I was not even in the car, I was like 25 feet away from it, the poor car was just parked in the street.... I wanted to DESTROY that little piece of @*%$... Gawsh, thanks god I'm not a violent person... but I have such a bad luck with this DUMB DRIVERS!!!!! A(*Y#(*GR!!!!!!
Anyways, it was a little thingie... and I do plan on doing the upgrade. Some guy is selling me the nose/corner lights/grills/bumper for 250 dollars, wotcha guys think?