Thread: trims??
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Old 12-05-2005, 10:22 PM   #17
joel w
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dcrusupra, im not sure how big they can go , sorry.

Originally Posted by joel williams
trim by the way...
i think trim is just the size of the intake wheel diameter? mine was upgraded to 50 trim and the housing was machined to fit the larger wheel..and nothing was done to the exhaust side. i guess the exhaust side mods are not needed untill higher boost levels. 50 trim is good to about 400 hp or 15psi (the sweet spot of the turbo) where it runs most efficiently....bigger hp motors need more air and or lager wheel to flow more air..

hate quoting myself, but i posted bad info...

i just found out that trim is just the ratio of the two diameters of the compressor wheel. EXDUCER (big diam.) and INDUCER (small diam) ...trim is how much bite the blades have not the size of the wheel.. to help clearify..

stock ct26 is a 49 trim with 1.75(in) and 2.5 (ex) compressor wheel.
My upgrade is a 50 trim,with 2.25(in) and 3" (ex) compressor wheel. the ratio of the (ex) and (in) is almost the same but the wheel is overalll 1/2 inch bigger than stock diameter..... these measuremeants are not exact but rounded up or down..
ok... sum it up again, a 60. trim on a 3" wheel will grab much more air than say a 45. trim on a same 3" wheel due to the shape of the blades, not the size of the wheel.. but at the same time the 45. trim will spool much faster than the 60. trim its all very complex and mathmatical.. im still learning..

but remember the size and shape of the exhaust side wheel will also make a difference in spool time and flow and power..

hope this help..
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Last edited by joel williams; 12-05-2005 at 11:32 PM. Reason: better clearer,
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