Originally Posted by Clayson
yeah... and adding nitrous, witch i dont think the nitorgan dose anything dose it? the oxygan what makes it run better correct? but the nitrogan is there to level out the oxygan so it is able to run it and not melt the pistons in the walls... but there is 2ce as much nitrogan in there as the oxygan so the nitrogan would have to do somthin or it would be worthless correct? nitrogan a high octan gas? or what really is it....
Nitrogen(N2) and Nitrous oxide(NO2) are two different compounds
Nitrogen is like 70-ish percent in the air we breathe, but nitrous kits use nitrous oxide, which breaks down into nitrogen(N2) and oxygen(O2) at about 500 degrees, thus dumping more O2 into your system