Thread: 07 Skyline?
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Old 12-14-2005, 04:59 AM   #13
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 221
SKILMATIC is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by j3pz
omg i luck out so much with cops, ive only been driving for 2 yrs but everytime im like flying down the road and decide to slow down, rright when i get down to speed a cop goes by or when i think i see a cop ill slow down buts like an oldmobile lookin like a cop then one will roll right behind tht car. speaking of this i need to get my provisionals off.

ya going fast is fun too but sliding is just as fun... and when your tires are old anyways, what the hell
Yeah well I usually do this in the rain. It doesnt do anything to your tires. However, I am pretty dam lucky too when it comes to cops. I usually get away everytime when one spots me. They cant drive worth shit. I also have a clean driving record even though I am a speed freak.
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