Thread: Supra or Bmw?
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Old 12-14-2005, 07:27 PM   #25
3" Exhaust
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Posts: 221
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Originally Posted by Greglatta
Hmm honestly you said that a 2.8L TURBO supra puts out 320 ok, you cant compare a turbo to a n/a for hp to litres I think you need to compare a n/a supra 1996 to a n/a 1996 m3, dont be a dick about it either. Come back and argue with a stock n/a supra and a stock 1996 bmw m3 on they said it made 316hp
Excuse me? I think you may be in the wrong area to be arguing this. Because if you knew just one ioda of what cars are about then you wouldnt have exclaimed something so rediculous is that.

Again lets do the math even with NA. A 96 M3 which is a 3.2L puts out 240hp while the supra at 2.8L puts out 220. Gee again do the math. Its another no brainer. I am sorry but even grade schoolers get this stuff. If you cant understand these concepts then I really cant have a formidable discussion with you about this.
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