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Old 01-17-2005, 10:10 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 3
gunnersmate_2nd_class is on a distinguished road

I am a high performance car lover and have had the pleasure of rebuild 3 complete cars. In your case, there are a few things to consider here before making plans about what you want to do. As far as non-turbo and twin turbo cars of any sort, both can be very painful. Since you are wanting to hit 500 hp or more, you must figure out how to do this. Most likely, you are going to find yourself either upgrading the twin turbo kit or buying a new one for a car without turbos. First, look at your options. If you buy the car with the twin turbos, basically everything is set for the car with only minor tweeking to get the performance desired. But if your car is only hitting 350 hp instead of the 500 that you really want, then you have to upgrade. This means that you are going to have to find the kit that is going to provide you with enough power. This means that you are going to have to buy a larger fan and the neccessary parts to install it. But if you go this route you must establish you intake and exhaust limits. For example; you install a much larger turbo on your Supra and it requires a particular high performance intake manifold, but you keep your stock on, the end result may damage the intake manifold or the even blow the welds off. So as you start to upgrade your turbo kits, you MUST upgrade everything else that is affected. As far as getting a non-turbo and adding a turbo kit, you are looking to do about the same amount of work as you would be just upgrading the twin turbo kit. But the difference is that you don't have to uninstall the old kit or worry about throwing a lot of parts away. Plus you get more pride knowing that you did everything from beginning to end. I would personally get the non-turbo and buy a whole new engine from a junk yard or something of that nature. Doing it this way, you can choose a much larger engine like the 2JZ and continue to build on with out to many problems. Also, while you rebuild this entire new engine, you can still drive on the old one and get well aquainted with your new car before going all the way with what you want. Most importantly, make sure that you have an expert there to assist you in any way. Best thing to do is get yourself into a safety class or something along those lines because there are other parts that you must get or you are going to total your car. Just make sure you are comfortable knowing what you are doing with turbo's. If you have questions, my email is or my number is 619-757-0863. Names Orion!
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