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Old 12-20-2005, 08:57 PM   #4
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 169
lifesnotfair is on a distinguished road
Default Heh!

Yes, I will work on the engine!!

Yesterday I floored it while going off the carwash, and it moved nicely, reminded me of some of my other cars.. except that after sliding, the acceleration was poor =P

Ok, ok, dual exhaust sucks then.. will stick to one muffler only then. (I was thinking of doing the complete 3" exhaust, not just the muffler, btw). Which brings up another question: will the exhaust pipings work for the 7M-GE as well as for the 7M-GTE? I mean, I wanna do he exhaust now, with my N/A engine.. can I then use the same exhaust if I swap engines to a Turbo one? ..
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