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Old 01-09-2006, 07:14 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 4
logik05se is on a distinguished road
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Whats up everybody,
93-98 supras have always been one of my hands down favorite cars out there. I'm young though, and them being pricy always seemed out of reach so I never paid much mind. Luckily these days I fell into a good job and I really am serious about getting one. Just out of curiosity what seems like a good price for around a 93-94 twin turbo model. I've seen some listed with some higher miles around 135 and up going for insanely low prices of like 6500 bucks( and supposidly the car looks and runs great). That price to me seems ridiculosly fake.
Any help please because I need it and dont want to get ripped off.
Thanks alot.
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