Originally Posted by joel williams
ok? a tool thief that doesnt return is a nicker
and after the hiest, hes just nicked them
any one who even asks is just a nick? dont be a nick...
hahhaha just havin fun...
It all started because the first guys (back in the early 1800's) to work on machinery (and later cars) were all named Nick. They later were called "mecha-nicks". The letter 'k' was dropped along the way, so then it became 'mechanics'.
So as fate would have it, it was a "Nick" that did the first tool borrowing (from a fellow 'mecha-nic'. And it was a "Nick" that was the first to NOT return a borrowed tool.
Thus it became known as "nicking" a tool (not returning it).
(Here is a grain of salt, *, to help you swallow this.