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Old 01-24-2006, 11:53 PM   #2
12psi boost
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Troy, NY 12180
Posts: 353
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Just measured my rear propeller shaft for you
I am getting 25 and 5/8th's inches.

That is 651 mm
Or 65.1 cm

I have measured the flat surface that mounts to the differential, to the flat surface that mounts to the first propeller shaft.
This is not the total length. The total length would be the rings on each end.
The rings stick out (or in the diff and first propellor shaft) 1/8th of an inch each.

Hope that helps and I'm not too late with the answer.
-------------> ITEMS THAT ARE STILL AVAILABLE FROM AN '88 PART OUT <-------------

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