I chose not to have a friend help and make it a true learning experience. I agree with changing the injector seals. I learned from not replacing them the 1st time around. They should be available as an injector gasket kit (each kit services one injector and should be no more than $6 a kit) available at most auto stores. Don't go to the dealer for injector seals, too much money for each gasket and o-ring. Replace hoses as necessary. Some may be dealer only, usually the ones with tight bends, like the 90 degree 3" heater hose on the back of the head ($20).
Pain in the ass items (not in any order):
1) ABS Sensor connected to the top of the tranny.
2) Installing the turbo oil line. (NA is NA[not applicable])
3) Installing the ground line to bottom of intake manifold
4) Install the lower half of the intake manifold before installing the head with the EGR valve too, or it will be a PIA.
I can't really think of anything else at the moment. It's not all too complicated, just takes a little know how, and some time and patience.
Function Over Form - Form Follows Function
88 MkIII Jurbo