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Old 01-30-2006, 10:05 PM   #6
12psi boost
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Troy, NY 12180
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Originally Posted by lifesnotfair
What do you mean by LIP ?...
Lip is what the Supra community calls the black strip that goes under the bumper, that makes it lower. The Toyota dealership near me calls it a valance.
Originally Posted by lifesnotfair
…I was told by someone that the front NOSE (the piece above the bumper) also needed to be changed…
Actually I heard the same thing from junkyard that was trying to sell me the whole front end. From other sources, I heard that the upper nose piece could be kept. I assumed that the guy who told me that the upper nose pieces are different, only told me that to try to sell me the whole front end.

Originally Posted by Suprazeus
Does anybody know where to get the 89+ grille inserts?...
eBay or forum classified sections. From someone who is parting a car of that year or by putting up a WTB thread.

Originally Posted by Suprazeus
… And how are the fog ligths different? I thought the only thing needed to do the upgrade was the bumper and grille inserts? …
I have had both types of fog lights (pre ‘89 and ‘89+). If you look closely at the two, you will notice that the pre ’89 fogs are wider and that the ’89 fogs are more square.
Also, not noticeable when mounted, but the ’89+ is won’t rust out like the pre ’89 fogs because the housings are made of different materials.

The '89+ indicators are also shorter than the pre '89 type.
Look closely at cars of different years and you will notice it.
-------------> ITEMS THAT ARE STILL AVAILABLE FROM AN '88 PART OUT <-------------

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