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Old 02-08-2006, 05:08 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: San Diego, Ca
Posts: 190
sd88supra is on a distinguished road
Talking pushing stock NA MKIII's

how safe is it to push a stock NA MKIII? mines a 5 spd 88 NA, all stock, 109k original miles, great cylinder compression, no headgasket problems, just got it tuned up. sometimes i wanna push it to 7000 or 8000 rpm but i feel that the engine is so powerful somethings gonna blow. maybe im just a rookie, ive only driven my MK III about 500 miles since I got it and ive been gradually fixing it up (thank firestone for delaying me 2 months) and havent even dragged once. im not so much into racing as i am speeding, but sometimes i get the urge to push the hell out of it. im not saying my car isnt fast enough for me, im just curious to know how fast it really is.
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