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Old 02-08-2006, 09:21 PM   #2
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Rockford, IL
Posts: 92
XtreeX is on a distinguished road

I'm having the same problem with my 1990 N/A Supra. Feels like I'm giving it tons of gas but it's just not moving. Granted it's not a turbo, but still...

I took it in to have the timing belt checked out and they said it was fine. Next step is just having the catalytic converter looked at, it sounds groggly... So it it's jammed up inside then I'm just going with a all new exhaust (straight pipe).

Anyone have any ideas what else it would be? HG is fine and all pumps are in working condition, no leaks, all hoses replaced.
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