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Old 02-14-2006, 11:06 PM   #4
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by dcrusupra
...He doesnt kno how many miles are on the engine because the gauge cluster ....
Or maybe just does not want to tell you.
If it is not a JDM engine, you are getting ripped off.
Think of it, JDM engines that have lower miles are for the prices I gave you, if this has been run for a longer period of time, it should be for less.

If you could, do a leak down test on it.
That is the only way you would be able to determine its condition at this point.

Yeah, if it is from a car that has been in the states since the late 1980's, you are getting ripped off.
I think the going rate for what he is selling from a junk yard is about 600ish, but is still a gamble since you have not seen the engine run.

I myself would never buy an engine that I did not see run from some junkyard.
It is not worth it to me for all the risk involved.
Even if they refund you your money if it is bad, you will still need to install and then uninstall that motor.

I could maybe do a JDM install, but not from someone who does not know--or won't tell you--the needed info on that motor.
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