Thread: 3 cars vs supra
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Old 02-18-2006, 08:34 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default 3 cars vs supra

cant wait till my supra gets outa the shop. i have a 86 supra 7mge auto and have a date with a 91 integra ls 5speed, 94 civic v-tech 5speed, and a 85 rx-7 auto. i was wondering which car would be my biggest threat. all of the cars are preaty close to stock the integra and civic just have mufflers and the rx7 is all stock but my supra is all stock no upgrades, just because i just got it on monday. do i have any chance at beating any of these cars is so which ones. if not need some advice on how to beat them. thanks in advance
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