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Old 02-28-2006, 03:46 AM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 19
panda-supra is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by hangsupra
well... first let me said that... do you want to keep your 5mge motor and just do the automatic to 5speed convertion... or gonna swapt the motor to the 7m. if you keep the 5mge motor i recomand you to keep the stock 5m tranny. you can use the 7mge tranny's also... that will fit to... but all you need is what that guy just said... but anyway... if i were you i will go for the 5mge with the 5mge 5speed instead of getting other mk3 part involve. another thing you can have a good shifting is... by using the mk3 tranny shifter on the 6mge tranny tho.. it give you a good shifter tho... smooth... shift... hope this work for you... and hope i not confuse you.... sorry i just got baack to supra forum here... its been awhile i havent been on....
It's quite okay, I appreciate any help I can get. So a mk3 tranny will be smoother? I'm a little more interesting of functionality than a smooth tranny at this point, I want somtehing to work, and to last a while, not to mention I'll be brand new at manual (told ya'all I was a noob). I don't think I have the know how to snap an mkIII tranny in there, because I know there will be some fabricating involved so I'm thinking just a rebuilt stock.
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