well... i sure that.... its the flywheel... is loosing from the block... its not tight night.. its wragle... the noise only come out when you first start the car... do it sounds like a piston knocking... if so then i sure its the flywheel... drop down your tranny and take out the presuare plate and double check on all the nuts that holds down the flywheel on the block... and double check on the bearings also... and i hope is the problem for you...
another suggestion... double check on your drive shaft... that came from the rear tranny to the joint where its square plate that have the 4bolt that joint the rear drive shaft to the rear differential.... check on those 4bolt sometime if it loosing it does have a knocking sounds too... it sounds like someone hammer your car tho...
oh i forgot another thing as well... this is those problem i have on my tranny back in the day...
proble 1: the flywheel (6bolt) didnt tight enough its loosing due by hand tight only....
proble 2: Clutch Disc the bearing or the theft how you gonna call it.. thats where your tranny went throw that little holes... yeah... i didnt buy a new disc clutch... i take my old disc clutch to a local shop for replace the clutch pad and keep or using the old metal part... and i drove for a month or two and later on... its wragle and my clutch is loosing and moving everywhere and when you shift then the disc is wragle and it didnt spend right... it looks like the pad is bent and little crack and thats why it gave me knocking sounds too...
when this two problem happen... it sounds like someone is hammer from underneath the car really hard... and if you listen from the outside when the hood is open.. it sounds like your piston is knocking tho... the knocking noise is kind of coming from the back of the egr valve cooler and down below to the bottom block... well this is what i know so far on my mk2 tranny when i have this type of proble tho... and hope this will help you little bit... and sorry if i confuse you....
correct me if i wrong and not making nense and also the confusion alright.