Thread: which sensor?
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Old 03-15-2006, 08:23 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Location: San Diego, Ca
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Question which sensor?

when cold, my car idles irratically but when its warmed up, it runs great. my check engine light came on and my mechanic told me it was coming on because of a bad EGR temperature sensor and because of a problem in the ignition. however, i had him install another sensor and it does the same thing. he said the ignition code might be given out because of the bad EGR one, so he said he'd look into the EGR before the ignition. however, how do i know if the new EGR temp sensor was good or if the problem lies elsewhere? i already replaced the IAC valve. one things for sure, im getting a diagnostic done elsewhere to see if im told something else. helpe appreciated.
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