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Old 03-18-2006, 05:57 PM   #7
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: San Diego, Ca
Posts: 190
sd88supra is on a distinguished road

how "long" till a rebuild? i still get good performance but i imagine it can get even better. i am saving up, and looking to put in another $2000 or so into my car. i think its worth it since it has 110k original miles.

also, what are the pros and cons of a rebuild compared to swapping it with a JDM engine? im not looking for a 1jz, not even a 7mgte. i was thinking about first going for a rebuild and in the future (years from now) going for a JDM. im also thinking i should upgrade my head gasket while i do the rebuld.
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