Originally Posted by Dom
the psi varied from 149 to 152 i ordered the gaskets and the pcv valve, thought id replace it while i have covers off i'll let you know how it goes. i got a new blitz intercooler dont know weather to put it on yet or not last thing i want is to mess it up with excess oil running into it...
Ime, those numbers are a bit low (depending on exactly how you did the compression test, and the calibration of your gauge)...which could mean a slightly elevated amount of blowby. How many miles are on your engine? Has it always had regular oil changes with full synthetic motor oil?
Again, I'd suggest you install a catch-can and see if that reduces the oil in the intercooler pipes.
Originally Posted by Dom
...dont mean to annoy you i know this is mickey mouse stuff to you thanks again
No problem at all. I'm happy to help if I can.