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Old 04-13-2006, 12:50 AM   #6
Burn N' Up
3" Exhaust
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Start your car, have your buddy adjust the temp gauge from 65 to 80 or 85 or whatever the top is (hanv't driven my baby for awhile) and you look at the engine compartment, specifically in the rear most corner on the passenger side. There is a valve there, a VSV (Vacuum Solenoid Valve) type. When you adjust the temp inside you should see the little arm on the bottom of the VSV move up or down, if its not moving then that is (one of) your problem(s). Its probably stuck in the open position and constantly letting heat into the heater core. Is the air coming out of your vents HOT or WARM? Hot indicates heat getting to the heater core and warm might be blow by from the cowl induction. Heat from the engine bay gets sucked into the vents or even pushed into the vents when your driving, just an unfortunate side effect of owning a supra. Let us know about the VSV, usually when they fail they get stuck shut, but who knows.

Yours might even be bypassing, which is a simple enough check, just pull it off and try to blow air through it, if you can then its a leaky valve. Good luck.
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