leaky sunroof
After several partial attempts, my leaky roof was indeed fixed by silicone caulk - but with some attention to the following (I will try to remember the details-it has been a couple years). The whole point is to realize that the rubber seals become compressed over the years and you want to "augment" and beef them up (with silicone rubber underneath).
with the roof off the car (and inverted on a towel to prevent scratching ...
* unscrew and remove rubber seals from car
* clean debris and loose rust from metal surfaces under where seals were
* clean seals
* apply generous caulk to surfaces and reinstall rubber seals - press lightly and remove excess caulk that oozes out but do not push hard and do not screw down the screws all the way. What you want is an even/level seal, but you want to benefit from the added 1/16 - 1/8" or so of caulk under the rubber. Note that the corners where the screws are, and the section adjacent to the roof retaining bolts will be the most compressed and in need of augmentation.
* take the trim off the roof.
* clean and caulk the edges. Reassemble the trim and remove caulk ooze (better to not overdo it and avoid ooze altogether, use white vinegar to help remove ooze before it sets, if you need extra help).
* The next day (when caulk is dry), you can tighten up the screws on the seals, and reinstall the roof. Viola.