Thread: My '88.
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Old 04-15-2006, 11:26 PM   #6
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 169
lifesnotfair is on a distinguished road
Default My '88.

There it is. =)

I purchased an engine already. Will be installing it as soon as some parts that have already been shipped arrive here. So I might start the swap mid to late next week. I will then post pics, once it's manual and once it's running with over 300 hp (at least @ the crank) instead of the factory 200 on the current automatic tranny. I reckon 300 at the crank is very easy with a 1JZ, rated at 280 stock... intake/exhaust, and you're there.. right? =P
'88 N/A automatic, looks, runs and feels like NEW!
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