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Old 05-03-2006, 05:44 AM   #2
12psi boost
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Troy, NY 12180
Posts: 353
TONY! is on a distinguished road

Interesting thread.
No response yet, well written, well titled, and from a pure newbie (to this forum anyways - welcome!)

Won't I feel so helpful to show you pictures that I have been really thinking about myself.

Now these attached pictures are not my pictures, nor are they from my car.
I think a fellow linked them to show those to people, and I saved them for future reference for my own possible work.
I hope the car owner/picture owner won't mind my using them.
And thanks goes to him (or her) for getting them up on the net.

Anyways, so they say a picture is worth a thousand words and so here are the pictures of the before and after with some of my narration.

You will need to drill out the weld points in your car as well as removing some nuts that are accessible from the inside of the car.

I once chopped rear quarter sections from an MKIII Supra, but I did not do it this way as shown in the following pictures.

I am also thinking of cutting my own rear quarter panels just for the sake of learning how that would be done (I disassembled mostly everything else that I could, so why not).

Tell me/us how you make out with whichever way you go.
Show some pictures too if you can, enen in its current state now.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	cut.jpg
Views:	1877
Size:	95.5 KB
ID:	228   Click image for larger version

Name:	welded.jpg
Views:	1699
Size:	81.3 KB
ID:	229  
-------------> ITEMS THAT ARE STILL AVAILABLE FROM AN '88 PART OUT <-------------

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