Thread: No Gas Cap?
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Old 05-13-2006, 07:13 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Location: Vancouver, BC Canada
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kewlcoconut is on a distinguished road
Default No Gas Cap?

Honestly, this is probably the stupidest thing you have heard, and the stupidest thing I have done, well one of them. Last time I filled up my car was about 5 days ago or so. I went tonight to add about 15 bucks, and realised I had no gas cap. Then I realised that the last time I filled up, I dont think I put it back on....I dont know how the heck I would forget it!! So my question is.....

What effect will this have on my car??? I havent noticed a change in performance at all, but will it have long term effects??

I plan on getting a new one ASAP, but I dont think I can walk into a dealership or auto store and expect them to have one on hand.

PS. Laugh all you want....I know I did...
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