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Old 05-13-2006, 11:21 PM   #6
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by YellowMKIII
so do i need to get a cutting wheel to remove pannel from the targa brace?
I am not so sure what would work for your application, but here is what I have found or from my limited experiences:
There are different ways of cutting the body metal.

Cutoff wheel
I have done it with a cut off wheel attached to a high speed grinder, and I don't think that is the best way, but that is all I had.
If you can make precision cuts with it for your section, go for it. I know you can't make curved cuts with it...or at least I could not.

There is a crazy fellow that goes by the name of slow66 on the other forums, and he used a Sawzall to modify his car into its transformation.

Plasma cutter
The absolute best way to do it if you can is by a plasma cutter. Not everyone has one of those though.

Air chisel
I tried that, and from my experience, it did not work all that well at all.
Maybe I used the wront tip? I borrowed it from a friend with a sharp tip, but it was still not that effective.

EDIT: If it were me...I would see how accurate I could cut a straight line or maybe even practice on scrap sheet metal before I attempted to cut the car in that line. Practice on sheet metal, then cut the real thing in a staight line.
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Last edited by TONY!; 05-13-2006 at 11:25 PM.
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