Thread: Hi, I'm new.
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Old 05-14-2006, 11:32 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Fruita CO
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Sly is on a distinguished road
Default Hi, I'm new.

My name is Jeff, I live in Colorado, I'm 18 and I'm interested in buying a supra.

I found one for a reasonable price, $1000. Supossedly it ran fine until he tried to tune it up, but got hung up with stuff and gave up. Again, supposedly all it needs is a new fuel filter and it will start right up, suposedly.

So I looked into it, the fuel filter is on the body somewhere around the Rear Differential according to some old threads I found here.

So, I thought I'd ask some pro supra fans whether I should hop a bus about 200 miles on the assumption I can fix it. I'm pretty sure I can do it, a new fuel filter isn't too expensive. Are there any catches to installing a new fuel filter that would make it more than a couple hour job?

Last edited by Sly; 05-14-2006 at 02:27 PM.
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