Difficulty of changing tranny from auto to manual
Hi everyone, i'm from Australia, been reading posts here n there on this forum, and becuase i'm about to buy one, I have a kinda hard situation.
In Australia, or Sydney specifically it isn't that easy to find 3litre turbo Supra's that are manual, if only 1 or 2 in the paper that i see here and there, but there are plenty of 3litre turbo auto supra's, i'm wondering how hard the conversion process would be, to convert from a auto tranny to a manual tranny, obviously there is the physical labour side of things, but apart from that I know when a car is built its designed to accomodate for a manual and an auto in the chassis.
If it isn't wayy impossible or too troublesome to do, i may pick up a auto 3litre turbo, and work my way from there as i'd be able to get my hands on one a lot faster, thanks for replies in advance guys.