Originally Posted by zmzmzm
Toyota is in NASCAR? Didn't know that. But then really don't follow it either. How are they doing against the USA big 3?
I don't follow NASCAR either but accidentally get exposed to it on Speed channel and Autoweek mag. Toyota has been in the truck series for a few years...don't know how they do. Toyota will be in the full-on Nextel Cup NASCAR series starting next sesion. Many of the "good ol' boys' are not happy about it because they think NASCAR is an American sport that should only have American cars. One of the popular drivers (can't remember who) is switching teams next year to drive a Toyota and many of his long time fans are even pissed of about it...like he's some kind of traitor. People are very passionate about 'their' cars, as is evident from this forum.
The rules are so tight however that all NASCAR cars are pretty equal so I don't see Toyota having a huge advantage outside the amount of money they will bring to the team.
Toyota is in Formula 1 with the biggest budget but still can't compete with Renault, Ferrari, and Mercedes. They don't have the experience yet.